
An open source digital platform on art with a focus on biomedia

(Be)coming Marvão

Location: Marvão Academy, Lisbon.

From May 7th to October 15th.

With the aim of digitizing most of the Cultivamos Cultura collection focused on biomedia, some of these pieces are being exhibited in different exhibitions to be held in Portugal throughout the year.

(Be)coming Marvão is an exhibition that arises from Cultivamos Cultura and Marvão Academy partnership, in which several pieces from the Cultivamos Cultura collection are presented.

It is a defining moment for the beginning of this relationship, which intends to become more intimate in the coming years, resulting in different encounters and shares. With this in mind, this exhibition is composed of a series of artworks from different artists that makes us stop and remind us of the process of becoming. A transformation is an extreme, radical change. The unavoidability of changes is a constant awareness we have throughout our lives. We may not always be aware of it, and often just expend so much energy avoiding this “law of nature” that we forget that it exists and star thriving for stability. (Be)coming Marvão is an exhibition about change, about the impossibility of not changing, about the perpetual impermanence and the process of becoming. As we become aware of the need to change in our world, in our planet in our lives it feels necessary to remember that life is a dynamic process. That life is a consistent process of transformation and adaptation, of becoming. Art, more than any other human endeavor is a reflection of this aspect of life and therefore the best way to remember the process of being something different, something else, something more or something less, even while becoming ourselves.

Image: Kami, the embodiment of vegetal thoughts (2019) by Alan Tod

Credits: Diana Aires (April 2021) Marvão Academy

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